North Yorkshire County Council's planning committee is being recommended to approve an application to carry out fracking.

The officer's recommendation states the application should be given the go-ahead subject to conditions.

Members of the committee are due to consider the proposals at a special meeting on Friday which will now continue on Monday, when a decision is expected to by made.

A spokesperson for NYCC said: "Due to the number of registered public speakers for the North Yorkshire County Council planning meeting to determine the Third Energy fracking application, the meeting will now continue over to Monday. May 23."

Hundreds of protestors are expected to attend both days of the meeting.

Campaigners, including fashion icon Vivienne Westwood are aiming to appeal directly to North Yorkshire county councillors to defy county planners and reject Third Energy’s application to carry out hydraulic fracturing at Kirby Misperton, near Malton.

Large numbers of Ryedale residents have written to county councillors outlining their concerns, whilst Frack Free Ryedale have instructed a QC to outline how councillors can confidently reject fracking on defendable planning grounds as Lancashire did last year. Many Ryedale residents have also applied to speak at the Planning Committee on Friday.May 20 at County Hall, Northallerton.

Ian Conlan, from Frack Free Ryedale, said: “This application is only half a mile from the village of Kirby Misperton and Flamingo Land, the single largest local tourist attraction and employer, which has recently objected to the application on health grounds and its cumulative impact.

“Flamingo Land join the thousands of residents, businesses, farmers and landowners that have objected to the application in unprecedented numbers to the County Council. When democratically elected councillors see the overwhelming opposition from our communities to fracking, and the votes of Ryedale District Council, all five Ryedale Town Councils, and numerous parish councils, we hope that they will recognise the strength of public opinion and turn this application down.”

Rasik Valand, Chief Executive of Third Energy said:

“We are pleased that the Planning Officer has recommended that North Yorkshire County Council approve our application.   Within our application, and throughout North Yorkshire County Council’s thorough assessment of it, including various stages of consultation, and through all the additional information provided, we have addressed the wide range of questions, concerns and comments raised by NYCC, statutory consultees and others.   This work is reflected in the Planning Officer’s Report together with the planning conditions proposed.  We believe that this thorough report will enable North Yorkshire County Council to reach a positive determination on our application.

“Third Energy has been drilling wells and producing gas safely and discreetly from this site in Kirby Misperton for over 20 years and we will continue to maintain the same standards in the future.”  

Rasik Valand, Chief Executive of Third Energy said:

“We are pleased that the Planning Officer has recommended that North Yorkshire County Council approve our application.   Within our application, and throughout North Yorkshire County Council’s thorough assessment of it, including various stages of consultation, and through all the additional information provided, we have addressed the wide range of questions, concerns and comments raised by NYCC, statutory consultees and others.   This work is reflected in the Planning Officer’s Report together with the planning conditions proposed.  We believe that this thorough report will enable North Yorkshire County Council to reach a positive determination on our application.

“Third Energy has been drilling wells and producing gas safely and discreetly from this site in Kirby Misperton for over 20 years and we will continue to maintain the same standards in the future.”  

To view the application go to