AN appeal has been made to find relatives of one of the soldiers who returned to a Ryedale village following the First World War.

Helperthorpe is one of 51 ‘Thankful Villages’ in the UK, named after all their serving personnel returned safely from the conflict.

As part of a fundraiser for the Royal British Legion, a group of bikers, led by Medwyn Parry and Dougie Bancroft, will be touring the country to present a commemorative plaque to the villages.

Tony Boorman, who is co-ordinating the visit to Helperthorpe, said they would love to attract support from local bikers, current and ex-forces members and anyone else interested to help raise the fundraiser’s £51,000 target.

“We are also looking for someone to receive the plaque and are hoping to find a relative of one of the Helperthorpe survivors,” he said.

“Failing this, members and ex- members of the armed services, Royal British Legion members or Girl Guides with connections to Helperthorpe would be appropriate.”

The bikers will be visiting St Peter’s Church, Helperthorpe, on August 2 at 1.45pm.

Anyone who has a family connection to the village or would like more information can get in touch with Tony Boorman via the Gazette & Herald at