HERE'S the latest YCA reports from Ryedale.

Wombleton – Twenty-seven members were welcomed to the June meeting of Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association by the chairman, June Gamble. Business matters were dealt with in detail including the annual outing on Thursday, August 4 which will be to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park near Doncaster. Anyone wishing to join the outing will be welcome. One of the branch’s long-serving members, Jean Lerew, died recently and will be missed by all members. She had been a committee member and treasurer of the branch for 14 years and took part in many of the village’s functions. A strawberry and cream supper to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday followed the business meeting. Members Carol Gamble, June Gamble, Carol Bishop and Norma Ward served and provided the supper. Humorous verses were read in the absence of Adam who was unable to attend. Entry forms for Ryedale Show should be in by Saturday, July 16. The branch wishes to thank everyone who provided cakes for the stall which raised £144.70. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 19 in the village hall at 7.30pm.