During the election campaign I was fortunate enough to ask one small audience to take away with them the idea that political parties (with a majority) can be very dangerous.

I cited the case of Edward Heath’s majority not only granting him “legitimacy” to bludgeon the House of Commons in to passing the European Communities Act 1972, but to “advise” the Queen to break her oath in 1953 (to govern according to our respective laws and customs) by assenting to the legislation which commenced transfer of our self-government to a foreign power.

This transfer was later compounded by Thatcher’s “Single European Act” and the Nice Treaty under Major.

May I remind your readers that whatever the reason they voted Conservative, a party which has demonstrably betrayed all of its core values except making money, we are all going to get their whole manifesto package over the next five years.

While it took UKIP to force a referendum promise from Cameron, his election spiel suggests he will do whatever it takes, including more fear tactics, to prevent withdrawal.

As the Dutch and Irish found when they first voted against the Lisbon Treaty – they were forced to vote “yes” a second time. I hope the British are made of sterner stuff.

Martin Cruttwell, Scrayingham