IF John Dewar at Third Energy really wants meaningful dialogue with the people of Ryedale about his plans to frack up to 950 gas wells here, he needs to acknowledge that there is serious and genuine concern from Ryedale residents, as indicated by the huge turnout at Malton’s “Rally for a Frack Free Ryedale”.

Repeatedly claiming that protestors have been “bussed in” from outside the area – as he did when giving evidence before Parliament, concerning Ryedale District Council’s “Unpacking Fracking” debate in February, and as he has now done for the rally itself – and then declaring dubious sources of evidence for such claims, makes you wonder whether he is telling the truth when he says his approach to fracking will be cleaner, safer and less disruptive than it has been anywhere else in the world.

Mr Dewar now accepts the February debate was strictly limited to Ryedale residents. (He asserts instead that he was thinking of another meeting, though he can’t remember when or where that was.) And as for his statement made at a public meeting shortly after the rally that it was North Yorkshire Police who were telling him the origins of the crowd, they are as concerned as I am that their impartiality is being questioned.

The police liaison officer on the day has categorically confirmed that she is aware of no such reports to Third Energy, and that anyway it would not have been feasible to question every individual on the march.

Indeed, her personal experience from mingling with the crowd was they were all local.

A handful of representatives of other northern groups who brought their banners along were very welcome, as it shows this is not just a Ryedale issue.

I’m not sure how it is where you come from Mr Dewar, but in Yorkshire we prefer plain speaking. To get the trust you crave, I suggest you simply start telling the truth.

Steven M White, Great Edstone