SADLY, the lovely old Green Lane from Lowna to Rawson Sike in Farndale is in a worse state than ever. Every year, we ride our horses up Farndale to see the daffodils.

The Green Lane was in such a bad state, deep ruts made it necessary to dismount and lead our horses, even so it was dangerous and unpleasant.

Damage to the track before Ewe Cote farm by a quad bike made leading the horses almost impossible and my companion slipped and fell against the wall because her horse stumbled in the ruts.

Walkers, cyclists and riders will be forced to abandon this route if something is not done.

It is so frustrating to see this historic track being vandalised in this way. I urge the highways department to grasp the nettle and ban vehicular access, repair the route so once again it can be used safely.

Bill Tait, Helmsley