Luke Ives’ comments about Whitewall Quarry (Gazette & Herald, February 25) – “Plagued by the threat... increased traffic on an already congested road network... emit odorous pollutants... unacceptable noise impact... significant danger to horse training industry... unsuitable location for industrial site... trampling over the local community... undermines the democratic process... uncertainty continues for many more months”.

Oh, how very interesting. The permission for this one isolated, well-screened, existing quarry, near Norton has been delayed for about 14 months, with 10 deferrals by North Yorkshire County Council planning officers wanting ever more environmental-impact information.

Let us see how quickly Third Energy’s fracking plans are passed by North Yorkshire County Council with far more “plagues” and potentially covering the whole of Ryedale and beyond. Add in significant and proven danger to health, tourism and farming industries. Councillor Ives appeared vastly less animated when refusing to oppose fracking last week.

Mike Potter, Pickering