I AM writing in support of Councillor Tommy Woodward and the “witch hunt” following his comments regarding the suicide of a trophy game hunter.

Firstly, whatever anyone thinks of Tommy’s comments, they were made on a closed Facebook page, not as a councillor. If he had made his comments in the public domain, the position might be a little different.

Secondly, Tommy is an excellent councillor, as anyone who has been helped by him will attest to. He and his wife are respected and well-liked in Pickering and Ryedale generally.

As a member of the farming community (and yes, a licensed shotgun owner), I might not agree with everything he says or thinks, but that’s the way the world works. Folk need to stop wingeing and “man up” when someone has a point of view different from their own. It’s actually quite refreshing to have someone on the council who isn’t just a “yes man” cardboard cut-out like some I could name, but won’t.

I for one would rather judge Tommy on his actions rather than become a member of the dreaded “thought police” and hope that others feel the same.

Jerry Foxten, Helmsley