IT is way over the top to dismiss the value of wind turbines as a clean home grown energy source.

They are large structures, but not “monsters” bent on destruction of anything. They need back-up from the National Grid, but also can contribute to it when wind conditions create a surplus. Electricity can be stored and, indeed, recently when Didcot power station was out of action wind power provided a quarter of reserves.

There is an energy deficiency in Britain met by imported coal, gas from Russia and oil.

All fossil fuels mean a high cost to the environment and a high cost in fuel bills too, hence the current government’s plans to ease planning permission in favour of companies keen to frack for gas beneath our feet.

The same government has set its face against wind power. Turbines need capital investment, would encourage a manufacturing industry in Britain and jobs and are clean using energy from natural sources. What’s not to like?

Jill Knight, Hovingham