I WARMLY welcome the decision of the Secretary of State to refuse permission for huge and unwanted blights that are wind turbines on our cherished countryside. However, the need for such turbines are a separate issue.

The balance and reasons for refusal on the impact on heritage assets was clear to all.

The reasons given by the Secretary of State were the very same reasons that were proposed by the planning committee under my chairmanship.

It is unfortunate that the Inspector felt that the application should have been given permission and that no significant harm would have been caused.

The heritage of our countryside has a value, and should be recognised in planning policy, as referred to by the Secretary of State in the newlyadopted local plan.

The Wolds are in dire need for further designation to Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty status (again a separate issue).

But now planning officers will be able to refuse unsympathetic development applications for turbines in all the Wolds area of Ryedale.

This decision has to be very welcome news.

Other sources for energy generation will have to be progressed instead in this high landscape value location.

This announcement has been a long nail-biting wait. Hopefully, we can all relax a little now.

Finally, may I thank the objectors, who progressed reasoned arguments fairly and with good manners.

John Raper, Ryedale district councillor for the Sherburn ward