MORE than 300 cyclists from across Yorkshire and Teesside will converge on the village of Coxwold on Sunday.

They will hold their 88th annual Service of Remembrance at St. Michael’s Church, beginning at 1.30 pm.

The Coxwold service was started in 1927 by its then vicar, the Rev Gibson Black, who is buried in the churchyard.

A florally-decorated bicycle wheel is placed on his grave each year.

The small, 14th-century church will be filled with a sea of multicoloured jerseys.

Cyclists will act as bell ringers, sidesmen, offertory collectors, lesson readers, choristers and one will play the organ.

Local residents and visitors to the area are welcome to come and join them.

The service will be led by the Rector, the Rev Liz Hassall.

The guest preacher will be the Rt Rev Glyn Webster, Bishop of Beverley.

Refreshments will be on sale in Coxwold village hall from 11am and after the service.

The services enable people to give thanks for the pleasures of cycling.