THIS is a big subject that deserves a big book, and here it is – 922 pages on which the subject is presented alphabetically from aardvark to yuzu.

There is the common and unusual, methods, utensils, popular food and exotic, personalities, aspects and attitudes from around the world, history and the development of food; the interests generated by this book is never ending. Yorkshire has three entries to itself: York Cheese, Yorkshire Christmas Pie and Yorkshire Pudding.

How long has Yorkshire Pudding been on our menus? Though that is unknown this entry draws attention to a recipe published in 1737 and another reference in 1747 states “it is an exceedingly good pudding, the gravy of the meat eats well with it”.

Can only Yorkshire people make the best Yorkshire Puddings? I have long believed so. Here in the entry for Yorkshire Pudding is a reason why this might be true. Apart from the wealth of knowledge there is much to be enjoyed in this book.